Feature Scaling with Python and Sklearn
Feature Scaling with Python and Sklearn
Sometime before applying a machine learning algorithm on your dataset, first you have to do some pre-processing for your data. For this purpose Sklearn provide a package to deal with such scenario. Here We will use that to make our work easy. Pre-processing may include Standardization, normalization, Binarization, imputation of missing value etc. Now get ready and start importing !
importing pandas, and numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Nothing special, Just loading our data
Fare= data['Fare'].values[:40]
Check our input
print Fare
[ 7.25 71.2833 7.925 53.1 8.05 8.4583 51.8625
21.075 11.1333 30.0708 16.7 26.55 8.05 31.275
7.8542 16. 29.125 13. 18. 7.225 26. 13.
8.0292 35.5 21.075 31.3875 7.225 263. 7.8792
7.8958 27.7208 146.5208 7.75 10.5 82.1708 52.
7.2292 8.05 18. 11.2417]
This would be our input data which is going to be scaled.
Now starting our, first import pre-processing from sklearn. All the other magic tools are under the pre-processing.
from sklearn import preprocessing
scale() Function:
The function
scale provide a basic overview of pre-processing. The scale function will transform your data between -1 to 1.
Apply the function to our input data(Fare) and store the output into other variable called fare_scaled.
fare_scaled= preprocessing.scale(Fare)
Check the scaled input :
print fare_scaled
[-0.51857041 0.88523827 -0.50377232 0.4866039 -0.50103193 -0.49208073
0.45947406 -0.2154835 -0.43343642 -0.01826765 -0.31139708 -0.09545451
-0.50103193 0.00813216 -0.50532447 -0.32674325 -0.03900252 -0.39251257
-0.28289705 -0.51911849 -0.10751222 -0.39251257 -0.50148793 0.10075727
-0.2154835 0.01059851 -0.51911849 5.08826339 -0.5047764 -0.50441247
-0.06978694 2.5346778 -0.50760886 -0.44732033 1.12392606 0.46248848
-0.51902641 -0.50103193 -0.28289705 -0.43105996]
The data has been scaled and now its lie between -1,1.
Scaling features to a range
Sometime data should be scaled between some minimum and maximum value, often between zero and one. This can be achieved using
MinMaxScaler or
MaxAbsScaler. Let’s try that.
First define our min_max_scaler and let’s say we want to scale our data between a range 0 to 5.
min_max_scaler= preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,5))
print min_max_scaler
MinMaxScaler(copy=True, feature_range=(0, 5))
Now transform our data using min_max_scaler
fare_transformed= min_max_scaler.fit_transform(Fare.reshape(-1,1))
print fare_transformed.reshape(1,-1) #Using reshape(1,-1) just for better view
[[ 4.88710781e-04 1.25223927e+00 1.36839019e-02 8.96784283e-01
1.61274558e-02 2.41090802e-02 8.72593099e-01 2.70745773e-01
7.64011338e-02 4.46599550e-01 1.85221386e-01 3.77773434e-01
1.61274558e-02 4.70139771e-01 1.22998729e-02 1.71537484e-01
4.28110644e-01 1.12892190e-01 2.10634347e-01 0.00000000e+00
3.67021797e-01 1.12892190e-01 1.57208484e-02 5.52731893e-01
2.70745773e-01 4.72338970e-01 0.00000000e+00 5.00000000e+00
1.27885837e-02 1.31130877e-02 4.00660737e-01 2.72301437e+00
1.02629264e-02 6.40211123e-02 1.46507282e+00 8.75281009e-01
8.21034112e-05 1.61274558e-02 2.10634347e-01 7.85201838e-02]]
The scaled data is now lie in range between 0 to 5. Here we can provide any range in which we want our data to be scaled.
The transformation for
MinMaxScaler() is given by:
X_std = (X - X.min(axis=0)) / (X.max(axis=0) - X.min(axis=0))
X_scaled = X_std * (max - min) + min
where min, max = feature_range.
Now Let’s move to our other scaling function
MaxAbsScaler.It scale each feature by its maximum absolute value.
first define our maxabs scaler
maxabs_scaler= preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler()
print maxabs_scaler
Now transform the data using maxabs_scaler.fit_transform(). The output is stored into another variable called fare_maxabs_scaled.
fare_maxabs_scaled= maxabs_scaler.fit_transform(Fare.reshape(-1,1))
print fare_maxabs_scaled.reshape(1,-1) #reshape is just for preety view
[[ 0.02756654 0.27103916 0.03013308 0.20190114 0.03060837 0.03216084
0.19719582 0.08013308 0.04233194 0.11433764 0.0634981 0.10095057
0.03060837 0.11891635 0.02986388 0.0608365 0.11074144 0.04942966
0.06844106 0.02747148 0.09885932 0.04942966 0.03052928 0.13498099
0.08013308 0.11934411 0.02747148 1. 0.02995894 0.03002205
0.10540228 0.55711331 0.02946768 0.03992395 0.3124365 0.19771863
0.02748745 0.03060837 0.06844106 0.04274411]]
Normalization is the process of scaling individual samples to have unit norm. The function normalize() provides a quick and easy way to perform normalization on a array-like dataset, either using the l1 or l2 norms:
Check Example :
Normalization using normalize(x)
fare_normalized = preprocessing.normalize(Fare.reshape(1,-1), norm="l1")
Check the output
print fare_normalized
[[ 0.00586493 0.057665 0.00641097 0.04295552 0.00651209 0.00684239
0.04195444 0.01704873 0.00900634 0.02432593 0.01350955 0.02147776
0.00651209 0.02530007 0.0063537 0.01294328 0.02356082 0.01051642
0.01456119 0.0058447 0.02103284 0.01051642 0.00649526 0.02871791
0.01704873 0.02539108 0.0058447 0.21275522 0.00637392 0.00638735
0.02242489 0.11852876 0.0062694 0.00849403 0.0664725 0.04206567
0.0058481 0.00651209 0.01456119 0.00909403]]
Binarization is the process of thresholding numerical features to get boolean values. it binarize data (set feature values to 0 or 1) according to a threshold.Values greater than the threshold map to 1, while values less than or equal to the threshold map to 0.
Check the example Below. First check what our Fare data looks alike .
print Fare
[ 7.25 71.2833 7.925 53.1 8.05 8.4583 51.8625
21.075 11.1333 30.0708 16.7 26.55 8.05 31.275
7.8542 16. 29.125 13. 18. 7.225 26. 13.
8.0292 35.5 21.075 31.3875 7.225 263. 7.8792
Now Let’s Binarize it. Divide it into two groups fare less than 15.0 and fare more than 15.0 .
Put a threshold value equal to 15.0 so that binarizer convert fare less than 15.0 as 0 and fare more than 15.0 as 1.
Let’s do this.
First define our binarizer:
binarizer = preprocessing.Binarizer(threshold=15.0)
print binarizer
Binarizer(copy=True, threshold=15.0)
Now transform our data and store it in variable called fare_binarized.
print fare_binarized.reshape(1,-1)
[[ 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 1. 0.
1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1.
0. 0. 1. 0.]]
Here Values above 15.0 are converted into 1 and value less than or equal to are converted to 0.
Sklearn provides some method for custom transformation of data. If a function of your choice isn’t listed then you can create your own function for transformation using FunctionTransformer() function.
Check example below
First define our input let’s it is
print x
[[121 424]
[986 361]]
Let’s say we want to take square root of our input. We will do this with the help of sklearn.
Call the function FunctionTransformer() with appropriate function(here will take square root of the given input, so will use np.sqrt )
custom_transformer = preprocessing.FunctionTransformer(np.sqrt)
Now Transform our input using custom_transformer function
x_transformed= custom_transformer.transform(x)
Let’s Check what we have transformed.
print x_transformed
[[ 11. 20.59126028]
[ 31.40063694 19. ]]
As we can see the output is perfect square root of input x. More about custom transformation can be learn from
In feature scaling, Imputation of missing value and Encoding Categorical feature is also important. I have separately written on these two topics. You should read these to complete
feature scaling.
Imputation of Missing values using Sklearn
Predictive Modeling with Categorical Variable
Thanks for reading.