Regardless of the topic, There is much information on the internet. If you’ve just started or are just about to begin your learning in python, you will find a lot of articles, courses, books, and YouTube channels.
But “what is the best for you” is a good question you should ask yourself. Because if you started following what the internet is saying, you will end up nowhere. Spending time figuring out “Functional programming vs Parallel vs Async programming” is also a waste of time.
There are many resources available for learning Python here I am putting out some of them for the absolute beginner. No prior experience in programming required a little bit of familiarity with the computer required.
1. Codecademy's "Learn Python" course: This interactive course is a great way to get started with the basics of Python. It includes exercises and quizzes to help you practice and reinforce what you've learned. Nothing to install on system. Everything on browser.
2. This website offers a variety of tutorials and exercises for learning Python, including a beginner-friendly tutorial that covers the basics of the language.
3.'s "BeginnersGuide/Programmers" page: This page, provided by the creators of Python, provides a comprehensive guide to the basics of Python programming, as well as links to more advanced resources.
4. "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart: This popular book is aimed at beginners who want to learn how to use Python to automate repetitive tasks. Get the book or read it free online on their website
I would suggest to start with Codecademy's "Learn Python" course and then check out other.
Codecademy’s course give you a very basic understanding of Python. With 2 and 3 courses you will learn more about Python. In the “Automate the Boring Stuff” you will learn some of the possible things you can do with python. Checkout the 4th is must.
Along with learning python, In parallel, you can give a try to “Data Structure and Algorithm(DSA)”. It’s not like that if you don’t know the DSA, you won’t able to learn python. But trust me it will add a lot of value to your programming career. Read more about DSA's resources data-structures-and-algorithms-learning-resource.
Let us know how you starting your python journey.