Showing posts with label debug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debug. Show all posts

Thursday 4 March 2021

Python Debugging Techniques for Beginners

Debugging is an important part of the software development process, and Python provides several techniques for beginners to debug their code. Here are some common techniques:

  1. Print statements: One of the simplest and most widely used techniques is to insert print statements in your code to check the values of variables and expressions at different points in the execution. This can help you identify where the problem is occurring and what the state of the program is at that point.
  2. The pdb library: Python includes a built-in library called pdb that provides a command-line interface for debugging. You can insert the statement import pdb; pdb.set_trace() at the point where you want to start debugging, and the program will enter the pdb interactive mode, allowing you to step through the code and inspect variables.
  3. The ipdb library: ipdb is an improved version of pdb library, it allows you to use the same interface as pdb but with some added features like syntax highlighting and tab completion.
  4. The breakpoint() function: Python 3.7 introduces a built-in function breakpoint() that is similar to pdb.set_trace() but it does not require importing pdb, it is built-in to the interpreter.
  5. IDEs and text editors with debugging support: Many IDEs and text editors have built-in support for debugging Python code, such as PyCharm, VSCode, and Sublime Text. These tools provide a graphical user interface that allows you to set breakpoints, step through code, and inspect variables.
  6. Assert statements: Using assert statements you can check if a certain condition is true during runtime and if it isn't it will raise an AssertionError, you can use this to check if the code is working as expected.
  7. logging: Logging is a way to record information about your code's execution. It can be used to record messages that can help you understand what is happening in your code.
  8. try-except block: Using try-except blocks to catch and handle specific errors, can help you isolate and fix the issue, and also can provide the user with a meaningful message.

While debugging can be a frustrating process, these techniques can help you quickly identify and fix errors in your code, allowing you to move on to the next step in your development process. It's important to try different techniques to find the one that works best for you and your specific needs.

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