Showing posts with label DSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DSA. Show all posts

Friday 1 January 2021

Data Structures and Algorithms: Learning Resources

 There are many resources available to learn Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), including:

  1. "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein: This is a classic textbook that covers a wide range of DSA topics, including sorting algorithms, data structures, and algorithm design techniques.
  2. "Algorithms, Part I" and "Algorithms, Part II" on Coursera: These online courses, taught by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne of Princeton University, cover a wide range of DSA topics and include video lectures, quizzes, and programming assignments.
  3. "Data Structures and Algorithms" on Udemy: This online course covers a wide range of DSA topics and includes video lectures, quizzes, and coding exercises.
    1.  Master the coding interview data structures Algorithms 
    2. Data structure and Algorithm
  1. "Data Structures and Algorithms" on HackerRank/LeetCode: This website provides a wide range of coding challenges and tutorials on DSA topics, with a focus on practical implementation.
  2. "The Algorithm Design Manual" by Steven Skiena: This book provides an in-depth look at algorithm design techniques and strategies.
  3. "Algorithms" by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, on the book website or on the publisher's website, it includes the full content of the book, as well as additional materials, such as lecture slides and exercises.
  4. "Algorithms and Data structures" from OpenCourseWare from MIT: This resource provides free online access to a wide range of DSA materials, including lecture notes, assignments, and exams.

Some of the courses are not in the language you want to learn, but I would suggest giving it a try in what language the instructor is saying to get out the most from the course.

These resources are widely used and recommended, but you should pick the one that suits you best, based on your learning style, schedule, and budget.

Do Solve DSA's Problems on HackerRank/LeetCode. 

Let us know in comment section about your favorite course/book or even any question.